
As you can probably see, this blog has been interrupted for a little while. There have been some changes in my life, and on top of that, I was having technical difficulties and couldn’t post or approve comments.

Thank you to those writing comments of appreciation, especially those who wondered where I was.

I hope to get back to writing one of these days.

For now, I’ll leave you with a picture of a beautiful waterfall that shall remain unnamed.

Printed from: http://great-hikes.com/blog/hiatus/.
© 2025.


  1. Justin says:

    welcome back, your writing/photos are always inspiring and welcome!

  2. homesnake says:

    thats what i am talking about my man, it has been waaaay tooo loooong!

  3. scott says:

    this is a great place to swim after a nice, easy hike.

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