Trail Maintenance (Part 1)

About a month ago, I saw a helicopter with a dragline over Nounou and I thought it was another rescue. But it wasn’t the county helicopter, which is red, and it kept dropping off something.


I thought it was a stretcher, but then it turned out to be be logs for trail maintenance. So a few days later, I hiked up the Nounou East trail, and sure enough, they had dropped off bundles of logs in the various shortcut sections that have eroded.


That last picture is where the helicopter was dropping the logs in the first two pictures, a place I call the “shoulder of the Sleeping Giant.” So it looks like the Nounou East trail is getting some maintenance from the state (I assume).

You shall not pass!


That last one is the worst one, it’s actually hard to hike through there because the trail is so eroded downslope. So I’m glad they’re fixing it.


I went back again last week and most of the work was done, but I forgot my camera. Next time I go, I’ll post part 2.

So “Thank you, DLNR” (Department of Land and Natural Resources) for fixing the trails for us.

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