Sorry for the dearth of posts, I’m just finishing up a big project for my day job. So now I’ll have more time to devote to Kaua`i.
Actually, that is one psychological drawback about working remotely as I do: it seems like much of my energy is focused away from Kaua`i. I’m here working via email and phone line, but I don’t interact much with the island when work weighs down. Maybe that’ll change as I get more time: to celebrate the near end of the project, Sonja and I went to the beach for lunch yesterday. Wailua beach was surprising calm and the snorkeling there, usually impossible because of the waves, was quite good. We saw about 4 turtles.
Anyways, in order to solve to problems of not being focused on Kaua`i and of having too much free time after work, I’ve decided to become more active in the local Sierra Club group. While this means more hiking, and hopefully becoming a hike leader, it also means more activism. After seeing my efforts on the Wailua Hydro project, I was invited to run for a vacant position on their executive committee. These are the people who attend government meetings to defend environmental causes. Here is my ballot writeup:
After living and hiking in France and California for many years, Andy and his wife moved to Kauai to be closer to nature. Andy would like to start an eco-tourism business here, but for now he works remotely as a technical writer for Silicon Valley. He just bought a home in the Wailua Houselots but still finds time to hike and camp.
Andy’s vision for Kauai is to preserve and protect the natural areas and the public’s access to them. Andy feels we need to fight back encroachments and keep trails open. He believes some growth is good, but the Sierra Club should develop a vision to channel future developments. Andy’s pet peeves are overgrown trails and helicopter noise.
“It’s good to be aware of, but that doesn’t invalidate the messages nor give credibility to those who dismiss these ideas.”
Nice, gramatically very correct sentence (when I will be able to write like that, sheeesh) , and perfectly reasonable. I absolutely agree with you.
You know what is strange? You, it seems, live on one of Hawaii islands; me , on Madeira island, 600 miles south-west from Portuguese coast of Europe. Once, I have met here one American family from Hawaii, and they said that Madeira is very, very similar to Hawaii, considering climate and vegetation.
Thank you for your opinion, but I still think that JK is a fake. On the other hand, Americans like you are reality.