ZIP Codes

More administrative trivia that can prove useful: Kauai ZIP (postal) codes. As far as I can tell, they are assigned alphabetically throughout the state of Hawaii.

Town ZIP Code
Anahola 96703
Ele’ele 96705
Hanalei 96714
Hanamaulu 96715
Hanapepe 96716
Kalaheo 96741
Kapaa, incl.
Kaumakani * 96747
Kealia * 96751
Kekaha 96752
Kilauea 96754
Koloa, incl.
Lawai 96765
Lihu’e, incl.
Makaweli * 96769
Princeville + 96722
Waimea 96796

* Kaumakani, Makaweli, and Kealia are all tiny post offices with PO boxes and no window services that I know of. They serve the plantation camp housing that remains nearby.The first two are in between Hanapepe and Waimea on the West side; Kealia is just north of Kapaa. I may be mistaken, but I believe the Kaumakani PO boxes also serve the inhabitants of Ni’ihau, the private island with around 300 Hawaiian-descended inhabitants..

+ Princeville is also a private community, and I’m not sure they have mail delivery, so when it grew large enough the postal service added a substation with PO boxes only, hence the non-alphabetical numbering.

While we’re on the topic, congratulations go to Mark Gowan, Lihu’e and de facto Kaua’i postmaster, who was named Hawaii’s postmaster of the year. We’ve never experienced any problems sending or receiving mail on our island, and post office service has always been top-notch with a smile, so he deserves it, along with credit to all the postal employees. Mahalo (thank you).

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